This is the best data to use for most countries.
(See the
section below for a 2014 update)
SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), a joint project
between the NIMA and NASA to produce digital topographic data for 80% of
the Earth's land surface (all land areas between 60º north and 56° south
Most of the world has been
released on a 3-arc-second (approximately 90 meters) grid, with the USA
data being available on a 1-arc-second (approximately 30 meters) grid.
Note: Also available for download is SRTM30 (approximately
1km grid) comprising a combination of data from the Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission, and the the U.S. Geological Survey's GTOPO30 data set.
It is formatted the same as the GTOPO30
convention so should be considered as GTOPO30 data (see below).
(OziExplorer version
3.95.3a or later is required to read SRTM data. A new version can be
downloaded from the OziExplorer webpage. Older versions of OziExplorer
will not detect SRTM data.) |
Note: OziExplorer version 3.95.4j or later has the ability to download
SRTM height data for the region of map being viewed so manual
downloading through the site shown below is not required. The SRTM
Download option is on the 3D/Elevation Menu. (OziExplorer3D must be
installed for this menu to be visible.)
Note : The file names represent the bottom left corner
of your map, check your map to make sure you obtain the correct files.
The naming convention of the files is "N49W110.hgt", for example this file covers the region from 49-50
deg North and 109-110 deg West. In the southern hemisphere, the
file "S17E142.hgt" covers the region 16-17 deg South and 142-143 deg
East. If you have downloaded the data for your area
but OziExplorer does not display any heights , downloading the wrong files
is the most likely cause, double check that you have downloaded the
correct data files.
The SRTM data has artifacts, this is particularly noticeable over
water (lakes or rivers) and where sharp changes in height occur. Using the Data
The files have a .zip extension indicating they are a compressed
file. A program called oziUnGzip.exe is supplied with
OziExplorer3D which can uncompress these files.
Run the oziUnGzip program and select the file (or files) you
want to extract, they will be extracted to the same folder as the
file. Note - You must use version
1.1 of the oziUnGzip program (the version is in the program caption -
version 1.0 does not display a version number).
The file extracted will have the extension .hgt. Important
- Do not change the file name of the .hgt file as it is used to position the dem.
Place the file in the "Globe (Arcview)" Elevation
OziExplorer must be configured to use SRTM data by
configuring the use of Globe Data in
Elevation Configuration (see the Help file for details). If
you have not configured this path then you must do that before the
height data will be used.
If you no longer want the original .zip then you can delete it
manually using windows explorer.
2014. Data generated from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
in 2000 will be released globally over the next year at 1 arc-second, or
about 30m sampling that reveals the full resolution of the original
measurements. Data for most of Africa and its surrounding areas were
released with the announcement. The next release is planned for November
2014, and it is expected to include all of South America and North
America, most of Europe, and islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
This data can be obtained from the site below and used in OziExplorer.
(LOGIN is required to download data - it is easy to create an account)
Move and zoom to your region
Select "Define Rectangle Area" button and draw area on the map
(max 36 tiles at one time. Eg: Spain would need to be downloaded in
2 sections)
Tick the "NASA SRTM 1 arcsec" box (the regions available will change
Select "Download Data for Defined Area" button (hover mouse over the
buttons for Hint)
On the Download dialog, select the following -
Product - NASA SRTM V3.0, 1 arcsec
Format - ArcASCII
Projection - Lat/Lon
Select "Submit"
Unzip the download to the OziExplorer\Elevation Data\Grid Ascii folder.
In PC OziExplorer, 3D Configuration, configure the path to the data and
select it. |
NGA (NIMA) DTED is a global Digital Terrain Elevation
(DTED) provided by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (USA) with a horizontal grid spacing of 30 arc seconds (approximately 1 kilometer).
NGA DTED data can be downloaded from the NGA Raster Roam page here
for most of the World. (Free
download) |
When you open the web page you will see a map of the World with many options.
In Desired Product Level, select "DTED Level 0".
Click on the image at the required Lat/Lon and wait for
the next page to be displayed, centered on these coordinates.
Go to the Raster Exporter section at the
bottom of the page.
If necessary, change the coordinates in the boxes
showing the "bounding rectangle" to adjust the selected area.
There is a limit on the amount of data you can download at one time.
When you have the area selected, click on the
Raster Exporter button.
The data file will be compiled and the "Raster Roam
Requested Download File" web page with the file download link.
Click on the link and Save the file to a folder on your
hard disk.
It is suggested you
download the files to a folder called \Elevation Data\DTED located under
the folder where OziExplorer is installed.
Using the Data
The files have a .zip or .tar extension indicating they are a compressed
file. A program called oziUnGzip.exe is supplied with
OziExplorer3D which can uncompress these files. If you want to use
Winzip to uncompress tar files you must turn OFF the smart carriage
return linefeed conversion otherwise the data is destroyed.
Run the oziUnGzip program and select the file (or files) you
want to extract, they will be extracted to the same folder as the
file. Note - You must use version
1.1 of the oziUnGzip program (the version is in the program caption -
version 1.0 does not display a version number).
The DTED data contains many files that are not
required by OziExplorer so these are automatically deleted. Only the .dt0 files are kept (or dt1 or dt2).
If you no longer want the original .zip or .tar file then you can delete it
manually using windows explorer.
The uncompressed DTED data files must be placed in the
NIMA DTED path that you have configured OziExplorer to point to in
Elevation Configuration (see the Help file for details). If you have not
configured the NIMA DTED path then you must do that before the height data
will be used. If your OziExplorer does not have a NIMA DTED path then
you need to download a later version.
Note - The DTED data is stored
in numerous folders, a separate folder for each 1 degree of longitude.
Within each folder numerous .dt0 files are placed, 1 file for each 1
degree of latitude. The files must be left in this structure. The
folders must be directly attached to the NIMA DTED path you configured in
Elevation Configuration, if not they will not be found.
Caution - The data will be
extraced into a new folder called dted (its part of the path
stored with each file in the zip) so be aware that you may end up with
path which ends with /dted/dted, if this happens make sure the DTED path
in Elevation Configuration includes both the names (example
C:\OziExplorer\Elevation Data\dted\dted)
After adding new height data files to OziExplorer you must restart
OziExplorer or go into Elevation Configuration and press the Save
button to force the new
files to be scanned.
Level 1 and level 2 Data
The data available to the public is called Level 0 and has a 30 arc
second spacing.
Other higher resolution data called Level 1 and Level 2 is not
available to public but can be used in OziExplorer if you have it by
making sure the DTED path name ends in a 1 or a 2 ( example \dted1 )
depending on the level you are using. OziExplorer uses the last character
in the path name to determine the files to search for ( .dt1 or .dt2 ).
Note the use of Level 0 data does not require a special folder name.
GTOPO30 is a global digital elevation model
(DEM) with a horizontal grid spacing of 30 arc seconds (approximately 1 kilometer). |
Gtopo30 data can be downloaded from from EarthExplorer website here
for most of the World. (Free
download but login required) The Gtopo30, SRTM and
SRTM void filled can be downloaded but it is
highly recommended first using the SRTM download built into OziExplorer on
the 3D/Elevation Menu. |
From the web site, login and then zoom in the map to the
required region.
Click the "Use Map" button to select the region.
Click the "Datasets" button to display a list of
Click the + button nect to the Digital Elevation
Select the GTOPO30 data
Click the "Results" button.
Select the dataset and click the "Download" button (disk
drive with down arrow)
IF you have not already logged in, you will be asked to
login to download.
Using the Data
The files have are zipped (.zip extension) An unzip program
like Winzip is used to unzip the files to the "GTOPO30" folder under the
"OziExplorer\Elevation Data" folder.
The Gtopo30 data contains a large .src file, this file is not
required by OziExplorer (and probably not by any other software) so it
is automatically deleted. The files required by OziExplorer are the .DEM
and .HDR files, any other files can be deleted if you wish.
If you no longer want the original .zip file then you can delete it
manually using windows explorer.
The uncompressed Gtopo30 data files must be placed in the
Gtopo30 path that you have configured OziExplorer to point to in
Elevation Configuration (see the Help file for details). If you have not
configured the Gtopo30 path then you must do that before the height data
will be used.
After adding new height data files to OziExplorer you must restart
OziExplorer or go into Elevation Configuration and press the Save
button to force the new
files to be scanned.
SRTM : If this dataset is downloaded from this site,
select the DT2 option and follow the instructions for the Level 2 data
in DTED section above. If BIL format is downloaded, see the GLOBE (Arcview)
section above.
The Global Land
One-km Base Elevation (GLOBE)
The GLOBE project has developed a quality-controlled global Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) with a 1 Kilometer spacing (approx). |
The Globe data can be
downloaded from here
for most of the world. (Free
download) |
Select the option
Select your own area. link under the Data heading, this
will take you to a page where you can specify the region you want to
download (Java is required on your browser).
(NOTE: Do not use the "Any
or all 16 "tiles" link to download data. Data downloaded via this graphical
interface is NOT compatible with
You can Choose Your Type Of Area Selection as the "Text Entry" or
the "Map-based (uses a Java applet)", both will produce the same type of
You MUST use the following
settings to produce data in the correct format
- Press the Get Data button to create
the data files, there will be a delay while the files are created.
- When complete click on the link "click
here" to download the data files
It is suggested you download them to the \Elevation Data\Globe
folder located under the folder where OziExplorer is installed.
Using the Data
The files have a .tgz extension indicating they are a compressed tar
file. A program called oziUnGzip.exe is supplied with
OziExplorer3D which can uncompresss these files. If you want to use
Winzip to uncompress these files please read the warning on the Globe
web site.
Run the oziUnGzip program and select the .tgz file (or files) you
want to extract, they will be extracted to the same folder as the .tgz
If you no longer want the original .tgz file then you can delete it
manually using windows explorer.
The uncompressed Globe data files must be placed in the Globe (ArcView)
path that you have configured OziExplorer to point to in Elevation Configuration
(see the Help file for details). If you have not
configured the Globe (ArcView) path then you must do that before the
height data will be used.
After adding new height data files to OziExplorer you must restart
OziExplorer or go into Elevation Configuration and press the Save
button to force the new
files to be scanned.
NOTE : It may not be of any
benefit to get data from both GTOPO30 and GLOBE. Data from either site
is likely to be the same data for your region as the data has been derived
from the same source.
1:250K DEM |
The 1-Degree DEM (also referred to as
"1:250K scale" DEM data) with a horizontal grid spacing of 3 arc second
(approximately 100 meter) provides coverage of United States, Hawaii, and
limited portions of Alaska. (For Alaska - also see the 1:24k section
below) |
The 250K data can be
downloaded from here
USGS Geographic Data Download (Free download) |
Click on the alphabetical list to obtain the data for
the region you want
It is suggested you download the files to the \Elevation Data\USADem250
folder located under the folder where OziExplorer is installed.
Using the data
The files have a .gz extension indicating they are a Gzip compressed
file. A program called oziUnGzip.exe is supplied with
OziExplorer3D which can uncompresss these files.
Run the oziUnGzip program and select the .gz file (or files) you
want to extract, they will be extracted to the same folder as the .gz
If you no longer want the original .gz file then you can delete it
manually using windows explorer.
The uncompressed USA Dem 250K data files must be placed in the
path that you have configured OziExplorer to point to in Elevation Configuration
(see the Help file for details). If you have not
configured the USA DEM 250 path then you must do that before the height
data will be used.
After adding new height data files to OziExplorer you must restart
OziExplorer or go into Elevation Configuration and press the Save
button to force the new
files to be scanned.
1:24K DEM |
Download from
(or other source).
Once you have selected your region, select "Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
- 24K" and download the compressed file.
(Free download)
Files size vary from 300K to 4MB
for Alaska from
USGS - This data is 15 minute for Alaska and will work with
OziExplorer, unzip the .dem files to a folder and configure the path in 3D
configuration as USA DEM 24K. |
Click on the map to obtain the region you want
This will take you to a detailed list of regions, click on the region you
This will present you with a list of files which cover the region,
to save download time only download the compressed files.
It is suggested you download them to the \Elevation Data\USADem24
folder located under the folder where OziExplorer is installed.
Using the data
The files have a .DEM.SDTS.TAR.GZ extension indicating they are a Gzip compressed
file. The files are also in the SDTS format, for OziExplorer to use them
they must be in the DEM format. A program called oziUnGzip.exe is supplied with
OziExplorer3D which can :
uncompresss the files
extract the files from the TAR file
convert the SDTS files to a DEM file
the TAR and SDTS files are automatically deleted after being
Run the oziUnGzip program and select the .gz file (or files) you
want to extract, they will be extracted to the same folder as the .gz
If you no longer want the original .gz file then you can delete it
manually using windows explorer.
The uncompressed USA Dem 24K data files must be placed in the
path that you have configured OziExplorer to point to in Elevation Configuration
(see the Help file for details). If you have not
configured the USA DEM 24K path then you must do that before the height
data will be used.
After adding new height data files to OziExplorer you must restart
OziExplorer or go into Elevation Configuration and press the Save
button to force the new
files to be scanned.
This should be the best data to use for Australia.
The data that has been released is 3-arc-second
(approximately 90 meter grid).
See the instructions above in the "SRTM"
section on how to use the data.
Our testing
shows that for Australia this data is much better than the Gtopo30
and the Globe data. (approximately 1 kilometer grid)
See the instructions above in the "World"
section on how to use the data.
GTOPO30 and
Both the
GTOPO30 and GLOBE data (see World section above) covers Australia.
(approximately 1 kilometer grid)
See the instructions above in the "World"
section on how to use the data.
9 Sec DEM |
GEODATA 9 Second DEM Version 2 is no longer available on CD. (Note: This
data can also be downloaded from the Geoscience Australia website but the
data which is downloaded is NOT in a suitable format that can be used
directly by OziExplorer). |
Canada |
USGS DEM Format |
The grid spacing is based on geographic coordinates at a
maximum and minimum resolution of 0.75 and 3 arc seconds for the 1:50 000,
and 3 and 12 arc seconds for the 1:250 000 respectively, depending on
Place the .dem file in a folder under the USA DEM 24K path or the USA DEM
250K path set in OziExplorer3D configuration in OziExplorer.
The data can be
downloaded from here
http://www.geobase.ca/ |
France |
Visual D.E.M. |
A CDROM was produced which contains height data for all of
France at 75meter grid spacing. This CDROM is no longer available for
purchase. The height data on the CDROM is in Vistapro DEM format. For use
in OziExplorer this data must be converted. A program is available here
for download which converts this data to the Arcview BIL format.
Download the conversion program here
Download the FranceVisualDem2BIL
software This is a self extracting exe file.
A similar CDROM was produced with height data for the
Alps, the conversion program has not been tested with this CDROM but
should work ok. |
Useful Tools |
Here is a link to a "plt2dem" program which makes a DEM
file from OziExplorer Track and Waypoint files.
(Author: Grzegorz Chyła) |
DEM Formats |
The Data listed above is
the data we are aware of, no doubt there are many other sources of data in
other formats.
These are the formats
that OziExplorer supports
It is our intention to support other formats where possible and also
to support more map projections and coordinate grids. For us to support a
particular format we would need a couple of example DEM files, information
on the projection/grid used for the data and the specifications for the
format of the dem file.
the bottom of this page for details on making your own "default.ozproj"
OziExplorer Name
(This is the name given to the "Elevation Data Type and Path" settings
in Elevation Configuration in OziExplorer.) |
Data Source |
Other Names |
Data Spacing |
Projection/Grids Supported |
SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), a joint project
between the NIMA and NASA |
Most of the world has been
released on a 3-arc-second (approximately 90 meters) grid, with the USA
data being available on a 1-arc-second (approximately 30 meters) grid. |
Military Specification |
30 arc seconds (approx 1 Kilometer) |
Data must be in Lat/Lon with a WGS84
datum. |
Gtopo30 |
Gtopo30 |
Similar to the ArcView BIL format but the data file
has a .dem instead of a .bil extension |
30 arc seconds (approx 1 Kilometer) |
Data must be in Lat/Lon with a WGS84
datum. |
Globe (ArcView) |
Globe Other data sources will be
available in this format |
Also known as the ArcView BIL format |
Various (The Globe data is 30 arc seconds (approx 1 Kilometer)) |
The default is Lat/Lon, with a WGS84
datum. A file called default.ozproj can be
setup in each folder to specify the Grid,
Datum and the Zone. |
Grid ASCII |
Geoscience Australia Other
data sources will be available in this format |
Some sort of ArcView text format I believe.
File extension must be .ASC , .GRD , .TXT |
Various (GA data is 9 arc
seconds - approx. 250 meter) |
The default is Lat/Lon, with a WGS84
datum. A file called default.ozproj can be
setup in each folder to specify the Grid,
Datum and the Zone. |
USA DEM 250 |
- 1 deg dem
- 3 arc second dem
- 1:250,000 scale dem
3 arc second - approx 100 meter |
Data must be in Lat/Lon, a default
datum of WGS84 assumed.
A file called default.ozproj can be
setup in each folder to specify the
Datum. |
- 7.5 minute dem
- 1:24,000 scale dem
mostly 30 meter but some at 10 meter |
Data must be in UTM or Lat/Lon, if
no datum is specified in the file header a default datum of
NAD27 CONUS. A file called default.ozproj can be
setup in each folder to specify the
Datum. |
The USA DEM 24K files are usually provided in the SDTS file
format. OziExplorer does not read files in the SDTS format, these files
can be converted to DEM using the sdts2dem.exe program provided with
OziExplorer3D. The sdts2dem program was written by Sol Katz. A program
called oziUnGzip.exe has been provided with OziExplorer3D which can
uncompress the dem files and convert them automatically.
Height Data in XYZ format will not be supported as individual heights
cannot be quickly read from files in this format.
Using Height
Data Files by Specifying the Grid and Datum
Many countries supply Height data files (DEMs) which are projected in their
own local grid and datum.
For many types of DEM formats it is not possible to store this information in
the DEM file so it must be specified externally.
To do this OziExplorer uses a file called default.ozproj (a Projection file)
which stores the Grid, the grid zone (if applicable) and the datum of the data
in the DEM files in the folder.
This is an example of a default ozi projection file for using
DEM's in other grids and datums.
Download example file here -
The use of a default.ozproj file is optional
If a default.ozproj is not found, the DEM is assumed to be using
the default grid and datum for the type of DEM
see the
table above, whether you will require a default.ozproj file for your DEM
The default.ozproj file is read as each folder is scanned, all the DEM files
in the same folder are assumed to be using the parameters specified in the
default.ozproj file. If you have DEM's which use different grids or datums then
these must be put in their own folder with a default.ozproj file setup with the
correct parameters. OziExplorer scans all sub-folders attached to the folder
configured in Elevation Configuration so all the DEM's will be found.
Example Projection File
Below is an example of a default.ozproj file - this file is
setup for the New Zealand Grid and Datum.
These are the lines in the file which control the DEM - not all
these parameters are required in every instance, the parameters which are not
required can be left out of the file. Read the instructions contained in the
example default.ozproj file below.
grid - the grid the dem is using
datum - the datum the dem is using
zone - the zone the dem is using
delta_x - used to offset the height data in the x direction (east - west)
delta_y - used to offset the height data in the y direction (north - south)
These lines are only needed for certain grids and projections
Example default.ozproj file
;this is an example default.ozproj file which has been
set up for the New Zealand Grid
;the grid is a number from the list below.
;1=UTM Grid
;2=Transverse Mercator (user grid)
;3=British National grid (BNG,OSGB)
;4=Irish Grid
;5=New Zealand Grid
;6=Swedish Grid
;7=Swiss Grid
;8=France I
;9=France II
;10=France III
;11=France IV
;12=Italy 1 Grid
;13=Italy 2 Grid
;14=Vicmap TM Grid
;21=Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
;22=Lambert Conformal Conic
grid 5
;NZ grid specified
;The parameters below are used for the grid or projection specified above
if required
;They are only required for the Transverse Mercator User Grid and for grid
;21 and 22 from the list above.
;in this case no parameters are required so they are left blank
;the Datum is an ID number taken from the datum list in OziExplorer (View
;these are some of the more common datum numbers
;104=WGS 84
;12=AGD 66
;13=AGD 84
;14=GDA 94
;28=European 1950
;31=Geodetic Datum 1949 (New Zealand)
;79=Ord Survey of Great Britian
datum 31
;Geodetic Datum 1949 specified
;the zone is the UTM zone number (example - zone 10) or BNG zone letters
(example zone - SJ) or .....
;in this case the zone is not required so is left blank
;These values can be used to offset a dem in the x (east - west) and y
(north - south) directions
;in order to have the map and the heights line up correctly.
;If the DEM is in lat/lon then the values must be specified in seconds
;If the DEM is in a Grid (UTM, BNG ....) then the vaues must be in meters.
;in this case no offsets are required so they are left blank