GPS Manufacturers
GPS Information pages
Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel's GPS Information Website (recommended)
Community Mapping has a range of free maps in several formats including
OziExplorerPC and OziExplorer for Android. These maps (intended for walkers)
cover the Castlemaine Gold Diggings area.
- GPS use and mapping in humanitarian applications.
"Support material on the site includes pages on GPS and map basics, an introduction to OziExplorer and a discussion of the use of KMZ and GPX files with Google Earth and handheld GPS devices. There is also a design toolbox which contains some elementary tools for refugee camp design and a links page directed to mapping and humanitarian resources."
Fleet Tracking Software
OziTracker for ICOM IDAS NXDN and DPMR Digitial Radios
Fleet tracking software for ICOM Radios (only these radios supported - see the Website link below for radio models).
Potential use by Search & Rescue, Military, Forestry and Oil & Gas Industry, Mining, Law Enforcement.
Contact for more information.
Website On the website, click the button "OziTracker AVL for ICOM IDAS" or "OziTracker AVL for ICOM DPMR"
GPS Software
G7ToWIN and G7ToCE - Garmin/Lowrance/Eagle GPS Interface Software for the PC and Windows CE Devices
Upload/Download from Lowrance/Eagle, Magellan and Garmin GPS receivers.
G7ToWin - for PC's
G7ToCE - for Windows CE devices (PocketPC's, PalmPC's, and Handhelds)
Reads and writes OziExplorer data files as well - by Ron Henderson
AzTechSoft - Makers of GPS2CAD and GPS2CAD-rv, products which download points from Garmin GPS receivers and plot them in AutoCAD.
GPS Software for Mac OS
Links to software for Mac OS users who unfortunately cannot run OziExplorer.
Pro - for linking GPS to a Macintosh
GPSy connects your
Macintosh to a broad range of GPS
General GPS Information
The GPS Waypoint Register of Southern Africa - Waypoint register, lots of information for Africa.
Gps Systems, Software and Accessories
Recursos Técnicos Madrid
Madrid Spain - Supplier of GPS products and authorised reseller of
OziExplorer software.
Sweden - OziExplorer Swedish Manual Available
Solteknik HB
Sweden - Solteknik HB säljer Oziexplorer med stöd för svenska kartor
från Lantmäteriverket i rik formatet.
General Stuff
NMEA Data Logger
Need a data logger to connect to your GPS to collect the track log for those long trips.
NMEA Multiplexor
Two variations - one works with NMEA 183, the other with Sea Talk and NMEA. In both units the output is RS232.
One use could be to have the position information from the GPS and the depth from a depth sounder both recorded in the track in the OziExplorer.
Multiplexor Website (both Spanish and English pages)
Waypoint Stuff
Co-ordinates for all UK Motorways
WalkGPS - This site provides descriptions, maps, waypoints and routes for several single-day bushwalks within a distance of less than 100km from the city of Perth in Western Australia.
Baja Sat Explorer – Satellite Remote Sensing exploration for mining and
mapping.- MEXICO
Other Sources of Information
OziExplorerin suomalaisesta versiosta on tehty helppoja, vaiheittain eteneviä ohjekirjoja. Kirjoissa annetaan ohjeet kaikille Suomessa käytössä oleville karttajärjestelmille - mukaan lukien Maanmittauslaitoksen uusissa peruskartoissa käytettävä ETRS-TM35FIN.
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